Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Buzz Coil: August 2014

[updated Aug. 28, 1:05 p.m.]
A look at some posts of interest from our blogroll and sometimes beyond:

My Village Witch: In her Aug. 22 post, Byron Ballard writes about "Garden as Metaphor, Gardener as Priestess," including earthy work that both she and her Goddess sisters are doing, a discussion of what she has called "Tower Time," (referring to the Tarot Tower card) which she describes in this post as
 "....living through momentous times, times in which we are experiencing the collapse of ancient systems that have plagued humans and the Earth for far too long."
and her feeling that
"The Abrahamic god, who has been a cipher for so long, has vanished from the firmament. At last. At last."

Radical Goddess Thealogy: Blogger Athana's Aug. 15 post, "Glueing Things Together Again," looks back about 6000 years to see how we might fix things today. She begins:
"When the world whirled around goddesses, we were OK."

Daily Kos: In an Aug. 27 post, "Cowards with guns are not Gods...so let's not treat them as such," diarist Vision explores the question of why the mainstream media insists in using the acronym ISIS and why this is inappropriate, including a discussion between MSNBC's Richard Engle and Rachel Maddow. With poll.

Contemplation-Yeshe Rabbit: Rabbit's interweaves guiding principles with life experiences in a July 30 post, the 5th part of her series, "priest/ess at large."   An excerpt from what she writes:
"My work as a volunteer Community Priest/ess and my work as a Ceremonial Priest/ess for Hire are responsibilities I have taken up in joyful service....But, fittingly for a Priestess of Hekate, there is a third face to my Priestesshood, which I mentioned in my second article in this series is the source from which the others draw their energy. This third face is one I call "Priest/ess at Large." Nothing else I do as a Priestess would exist without this source."

The Goddess House: In a July 30 post, "2014 Australian Goddess Conference," Blogger As't Moon writes about her plans to present a workshop about two Mesopotamian "primordial mothers," Tiamat and Ereshkigal at the Conference, October 24-26 in Sydney.  

Fellowship of Isis Central: In a "Notice from the Circle of Brigid" on Aug. 27, all  Iseums, Lyceums, Priories and Groves, and other groups within the Fellowship are asked to contact the Foundation Centre by Samhain 2015 so that all affiliated groups can be included in a world membership map being planned for FOI's 40th anniversary in 2016.

The Retiring Mind: Wendy Griffin shares "unpublished notes from the field" in her July 28 post, "The De-colonized Goddess II: Puerto Rico," which begins at an Reformed Congregation of the Goddess Priestess Gathering in 2005. With pics.

The Wild Hunt: An Aug. 21 post by Cara Schulz, reports that "Despite legal battle wins, Maetreum of Cybele may lose financial war," and gives background on the financial drain being experienced by the Catskill, NY, Goddess organization due to its continuing need to defend its tax exempt status as a religious organization. The post includes a statement the Maetreum originally posted to Facebook. 

Annelinde's World: Among Annelinde Metzner's recently posted poems is a July 31 post telling "The Story" of the Goddess Oshun with images of daisies and forget-me-not flowers.

HecateDemeter: This year's Lughnasadah/Lammas may be past, but I think you'll still enjoy reading blogger Hecate's Aug. 1 post, "A Lughnasadah Tale," about a conversation a "Nonna" has with her young grandson. And don't miss, "A Place Without A Witch Chapter 42," posted on July 31. 

Love of the Goddess: In an Aug. 17 post, "Sacred Dance in the Ancient World," blogger Tara writes about spiritually-related and often Goddess-related dancing in ancient Egypt, India, and Greece. She also gives advice about how to incorporate dance into your spiritual practice.

Hearth Moon Rising's blog: Hearth Moon Rising's Aug. 15 post, "Queen Deities and Patriarchal Distortions," illustrated with a crowned cat, discusses animal goddesses (or those with animal-like qualities), the word "queen" and many other words. For example, she writes:
"Mother, goddess, and queen are clearly feminine nouns and also carry the connotation of rank, privilege, or power-over."

Woodspriestess: In her Aug. 15 post, "Ocean Seminary College," blogger talkbirth tells about her experience with the program there, including coursework.

The Motherhouse of the Goddess: Tracey Paradiso blogged about my appearance on Goddess Alive Radio in her Aug. 16 post. In an August 23 post, Kimberly wrote about "the  Mayan Goddess of Women and the Moon, Ix Chel."

Harita Meenee: This blog's Aug. 15 post is entirely in Greek. Its title translates into English (according to Google Translate) as "The August Moon and the Lady," while its url includes the words "August Moon and Mary" (possibly "Παναγία," the last word of the title, means both?)

Large Group Goddess/Spiritual Feminist Blogs

Because of the large number and variety of bloggers and posts on these blogs, we are now suggesting that you visit them and select the posts that interest you most.

Pagan Square: This blog of many mostly-Pagan paths is sponsored by BBI Media and includes SageWoman blog posts.
Return to Mago: A Goddess-centered blog whose administrator/owner is Helen Hye-Sook Hwang.
Feminism and Religion: Many bloggers from many different religions and paths.



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