Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Buzz Coil: September 2012

A look at some posts of interest from our blogroll and sometimes beyond:

My Village Witch: Byron Ballard has some suggestions about how to start or continue more effectively a spiritual practice at this time of year in her Sept. 25 post,"Daily Practice as Samhain Approaches."

Ma Vie en Goddessia: Blogger The Goddessian posted a 2-part series Aug. 30 about the Goddess Wheel of the Year: Part One: The Dianic Wiccan Wheel of the Year, and Part Two: My Personal Wheel of the Year. 

A Crone Speaks Out: In a Sept. 21 post, "Rebuilding a Pagan Community," Rev. Catherine Platine of the Maetreum of Cybele, writes about the Pagan Community beginning in the 1960s counter-culture, and that Paganism "is a community powered path and we lost that and our way as a result. We need to rebuild that sense of community to survive and thrive."

Blog o' Gnosis: Anne Hill writes about "Bullying, Caretaking and Community" in her Sept. 16 post, with a focus on experiences in Pagan groups.

Branches Up: Roots Down: Deborah Oak's Sept. 2 post, "Sticks and Stones," tells about words, stories, and names, specifically her birth and initiatory names, one of which she is "releasing."

Broomstick Chronicles: In her Aug. 31 post, "Stirring the Cauldron," Macha NightMare writes:
"Cauldron-stirring is different from shit-disturbing. The latter aerates stinky stuff and releases noxious odors. No one wants that. The former, however, is a necessary part of the brewing process."
Recalling Reclaiming Dandelion events of the past, Macha sees herself as the "chief stirrer" of the cauldron, and continues,
"Some others are noticing the changes in aroma coming from the cauldron. Others are stepping up to take a turn at stirring. Others are angry that anything is being disturbed...."   
The Magdalene Review: On Sept. 18, in her first post in nearly a year, "The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife," Lesa Bellevie discusses Karen King's announcement of the discovery of a papyrus fragment in which Jesus refers to his "wife." 

Feminism and Religion: This month, a new, unsigned weekly feature, "In the News," which is slated to appear each Wednesday,  included the following: Sept. 26,  " Wives – Silent, Hidden, and Unnamed," without specifically discussing the point made in the title, the post explores some of the issues surrounding Karen King's recent presentation of the Jesus "my wife" fragment; Sept. 19 "An All Women’s City in Saudi Arabia – Liberating or Continuing the Cycle?" about a city being set up for career women; Sept. 12, "Religious, Atheist, and Political Feminists – Unite?  about the role of religion in politics in the U.S. and how it affects women.
Here are some of this month's articles by people on a variety of paths:
In a Sept. 25 post, "A Sea Change Towards Women’s Ordination"   by Mary Ellen Robertson discusses the ramifications of a recent meeting of Catholic and Mormon women at Claremont Graduate University.
Carol P. Christ's Sept. 24 post, "Goddess as Love: From Experience To Thealogy, " describes how being present at her mother's death helped her clarify her thealogy of Goddess.
Deanne Quarrie's Sept. 22 post, "Metamorphosis, "  describes the changes some women experience between the ages of 33 and 55, and her own personal physical-emotional metamorphosis, which occurred around the same time as she became involved in Goddess spirituality.
Daniel Cohen's Sept. 15 post, "The Interpreter; or An Introduction to Hermeneutics," is a story from his book, The Labyrinth of the Heart, with his notes.

Musings of a Quaker Witch:  In her Sept. 18 post, "Edinburgh Solstice Singers, and Singing the Goddess in Edinburgh", blogger Staśa asks her readers, especially those who are or will be in Scotland this fall, to help set a date for a singing workshop she plans to give. She also announces the formation of the Edinburgh Solstice Singers, being formed to sing in  December Winter Solstice celebrations in Edinburgh, Scotland. 

Goddess in a Teapot: In her Sept. 5 post, "Write a Poem and Rethink a New World into Being,"  Carolyn L. Boyd unveils, and gives an example of, a new poetry form she has invented and calls "The Brigid Poem."

Works of Literata: Literata's Sept 26 post, "The Omphalos Meditation: an alternative grounding and centering visualization" grows out of her difficulty in attaining appropriate visualization when lying down to do traditional grounding and centering meditation based on visualizing oneself as a tree. The new meditation she is developing is based on visualization involving "the navel of the world" and by extension, one's own navel. She writes: "The omphalos represents a point of connection. Just as the navel is a point of connection between mother and infant, the omphalos can symbolize the connection between earth and sky, which nurture each other, or between the spirit world which nurtures and sustains life in this world."  

The Goddess House: In a Sept. l6 post, "Spring Has Arrived at the Goddess House," blogger As't Moon tells about the change of seasons in Australia.

HecateDemeter: Blogger Hecate's Sept. 8 post, "Autumn, When the Light Is Slant and Low," discusses several experiences including "the need to honor my inner Hestia" when coping with large workloads at her dayjob, growing older, and a visit with a younger male in her extended family who was comfortable enough to discuss his views on sex with her and her friends.

Return to Mago: Sept. 17th's post, (Photo Essay) ‘Gaeyang Halmi, the Sea Goddess of Korea’ part 2  by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang discusses and shows iconography of a Korean Goddess, a shamanic ritual, and a visit to a shrine. Wennifer A. Linn's Sept. 24 post, Logbook of a Mother Who Strives for the Mother Earth Sanctuary’   discusses her vision for "creating a sustainable, matristic eco-sanctuary for birthing consciously, balancing body/mind/spirit wholistically, growing food biodynamically, and living communally."

Hearth Moon Rising's blog: In her Sept. 21 post, "The Sacred Fruit of Persephone,"Hearth Moon Rising discusses the relationship of Persephone, the major ceremonies of the Eleusinian mysteries, which took place this time of year, and the pomegranate. The post ends with a humorous video called "How to Peel a Pomegranate in Six Movements." 

Onion Work: In a Sept. 4 post Blogger Ruby Sara writes that she will be closing down this blog "in the next week or so" to concentrate on posting on Pagan Square and another blog. As of Sept. 25, Onion Work was still up.



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